Casted Memories

Ai Yu Gi Oh FANDOM powered by Wikia. This article is about the character. For the voice actress, see Ai Horanai. Ai. Other Mysterious Lifeform, Nazo no Seimeitai Mysterious AIJapanese Takahiro Sakurai. AIs dont pray They only make calculations to win Ai is an Ignis from the Yu Gi Oh VRAINS anime. His real name is currently unknown,2 but the nickname Ai was given to him by Yusaku Fujiki and Shoichi Kusanagi. Buy Guardians of the Galaxy Theatrical Read 13989 Movies TV Reviews Amazon. As an Ignis, he has free will and is sought after by SOL Technologies and the Knights of Hanoi. He currently resides inside Yusakus Duel Disk after the latter captured him. Design. Casted MemoriesIssuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Park Yong Ha in memories, Suicide 30 Jun 10, funeral 2 Jul 10, RIPwe always love U. Appearance. Ai is a small digital humanoid being. Like other Ignis, Ai has markings over his body, in shape of lines and circles, which are tinted with a purple color. When he becomes angry, Ai turns into a fiendish shape, with six tentacles, a large yellow eye and mouth, with two of his eyes on the center of his body. When Revolvers Cracking Dragon ate his body, Ai was reduced to an eye. However, when he ate Revolvers arm off, Ai regained his body back. Personality. Ai proclaiming himself as a savior. Ai is a mischievous, cocky, playful, friendly, arrogant, and snarky AI who gets carried away easily and likes to joke around. According to his own words, he is very disliked by his own people. Ai struggles to understand humans way of thinking that often seem completely illogical compared to his algorithm based way of thinking. However, he is helpful and can be more serious at times such as making observations both in and outside of duels. Directed by Duncan Jones. With Jake Gyllenhaal, Michelle Monaghan, Vera Farmiga, Jeffrey Wright. A soldier wakes up in someone elses body and discovers hes part of. Images and sounds of the characters Yuki Kaji has played in voice over roles in cartoons, TV, movies, video games and more. With that said, the first two points still stand. While there may be nothing inherently suspicious about a correctional facility run by the government, it would. Casted Memories Video Clips Kiara Angled Knee Ankle LLC and LAC 7 hours ago CASTED MEMORIES CLIP STORE ast Clips for the Cast Foot Fetishist In Clear. I have ten tips for any women who are in a leg cast. My hope is that if you know someone needing this advice, you will share it with herIt looks like you may be having problems playing this video. If so, please try restarting your browser. When the girl to be casted is a no show. He also has a tendency to panic when Playmaker is about to lose. Ai frequently tries to interact with other AIs, showing a more social side but is always left disappointed because theyre not as capable of free thinking as himself. He also enjoys insulting and taunting Playmakers opponents, as well as trying to manipulate them into falling for Playmakers strategies, though these attempts of his to help are more often detrimental than not. Abilities. Ai about to devour a Knight of Hanoi member. As an Ignis, who created Cyberse, Ai has some degree of control over it. He is the only one who knows its location and can unlock data from it to start a Data Storm. Nuance Dragon Medical Practice Edition 2 Torrent. Ai is shown to be far more sophisticated than other AIs, being fully capable of thinking and acting on his own free will and showing emotion because of that Ai is considered to be an actual living being. According to Shoichi Kusanagi, Ai is built out of highly complicated algorithms that even Yusaku couldnt fully decode. Ais memories are stored in the form of video logs. However, Ais level of free will is limited by the fact that he is still a computer program, as such he cant comprehend why humans do actions that would seem illogical and contradicting with each other. Strategy Game Programming With Directx 9 Source on this page. Ais Skill is Storm Access which is given to Yusaku after being trapped in Yusakus Duel Disk. Whilst trapped in the Duel Disk, he can also act as a Duel AI. Inside Link VRAINS, Ai is shown to be able to transform into a monster, which he did to devour a Knight of Hanoi member and a card infected by Hanoi. Ai has the ability to sense a Knight of Hanois presence through the cards in their Deck, such as when he knew right away that Go Onizuka was pretending to be a Knight and when he discovered the Hanoi affected card in Blue Angels Deck and could tell when it was drawn. After Playmaker defeated Revolver, Ai regained his full body and can materialize himself in the real world, though he still cant leave Yusakus Duel Disk. Biography. History. Ai was probably created by Dr. Kogami, the scientist who created the Ignis. Ai devoured by Cracking Dragon. Five years prior to the start of the series, the Knights of Hanoi launched an attack against the Cyberse and captured the Ignis protecting it, except for Ai who wasnt present. Ai arrived, noting that it was a good time to be hated by his own kind. He stole vital information from the Cyberse and hid it within himself, disconnecting it from the rest of the network which forced Hanoi to stop the attack. Despite being crushed by a Cracking Dragon, his eye survived. Ever since, he had been running from both the Knights and SOL Technologies. Being reduced to nothing but an eye also damaged most of his memories. Hanoi. Ai trapped inside Yusakus Duel Disk. While being pursued by SOL Technologies and the Knights of Hanoi, Ai fell into a trap created by Playmaker, who saved him by absorbing him into his Duel Disk, turning him into a Dueling AI, thus necessitating the defeat of Playmaker in order to recover Ai. Ai doubted that Playmakers Deck was strong enough to defeat the Knights Cracking Dragon before stirring up a virtual wind called Data Storm that initiated a Speed Duel. Before the Duel began, Ai explained Playmaker how Speed Duels worked but didnt mention Skills. Throughout the Duel Ai repeatedly tried to offer support for Playmaker, only for Playmaker to keep telling him to shut up and remind that he was holding Ai hostage. When they sucked into a tornado within the Data Storm, Playmaker figured out that Ai not mentioning skills and bringing him into the tornado were part of his calculations. Ai confirmed this, and activated Playmakers skill Storm Access, which allowed them to obtain Decode Talker so that Playmaker could defeat the Knight. The Knight attempted to self destruct and kill Playmaker, but Ai turned into a monster and devoured the knight to save Playmaker. He suggested Playmaker should log off soon. Yusaku and Shoichi Kusanagi spent the next few days trying to figure out Ai programming and nicknamed him Ai, a pun on A. I. and eye. Eventually Yusaku found footage from some of Ai memories, which Ai himself didnt understand except for Revolver being the leader of Hanoi. Scanning those recordings caused Revolver to sense Ai and try to find him, but Shoichi shutting off Caf Nagis power prevented him from finding them. The next day, Ai was left at Yusakus house in a storage shelf, there he tried to convince Roboppy to set him free. Ai panicked when Yusaku returned home and had Roboppy put him back on the shelf. When Yusaku found them, Ai told Yusaku that had arrived home early, to which Yusaku said a Knight of Hanoi appeared and revealed a secret room he used to go to LINK VRAINS. As soon as they arrived, both Playmaker and Ai quickly figured out the Knight was fake. The Knight revealed himself to be Go Onizuka, who wanted to challenge Playmaker. Ai looked up information about Go, Playmaker was uninterested and attempted to log out but a program from SOL prevented him from doing so, so he was forced to Duel Go. 3Lw Playas Gon Play. During the Duel, Ai continued researching Go and found out that Go donated most of his money to the orphanage where he grew up. When Go let himself take 2. Damage when he had the chance to avoid it, Ai was confused about why humans make illogical choices. Playmaker said it was because of their hearts, but didnt explain what that meant because Ai algorithm based thinking wouldnt understand it. When Shoichi found out that Aoi Zaizen, Yusakus classmate, is Blue Angel, Ai helped Yusaku locate her while they were at school. Ai forced Yusaku to join the Duel Club and tried to interact with Aois Duel Disk AI. The next day Ai noticed something strange about Aois AI so he sent her a text message on Playmakers behalf challenging Blue Angel to a Duel, then tricked Yusaku into going into VRAINS to confront Blue Angel.