The Salvation Army Character Building Programs
P4GBillboard.png' alt='The Salvation Army Character Building Programs' title='The Salvation Army Character Building Programs' />United Way fights for the health, education, and financial stability of every person in every community. Henderson Heussner, Army. Henderson Heussner received the 2017 Army Military Child of the Year Award as an 18yearold senior at Estero High School in Estero, Fla. History of the Donut Girls. Doughnut The Official Story. Presented by Worldwar. Since 1. 91. 7, when a cheerful Salvation Army lassie handed a fresh doughnut to a homesick doughboy in France. Holiday. Christmas The tradition of the Red Kettle started in San Francisco in 1891 and soon became The Salvation Armys most prominent fundraiser. ADULT REHABILITATION. The Salvation Armys alcohol and drug rehabilitation program is the largest network of rehabilitation programs operating in the United States. Welcome to the official home page of The Salvation Army of McLean County. The Salvation Army Florida Division official website. The Salvation Army strives to meet human needs in Florida by feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless. The Salvation Army Boys Girls Clubs serves as a youth center for children of working parents. Children are provided with meals, homework assistance, character. ADVERTISEMENT. BOOTH UC ANNOUNCES 2. MILLION EXPANSION. Winnipeg to become the educational hub for The Salvation Army in CanadaBermuda Booth University College has. Youre right, there are lots of reasons to reject the Salvation Army. But my grandad fought in WWII, and although he wouldnt talk about the horrors of the. The Salvation Army Columbus 5201 Warm Springs Road Columbus, GA 31909. The Salvation Army doughnut has symbolized loving concern for those in the armed forces. Best Profile Pictures For Facebook here. In 1. 91. 7 young Helen Purviance, an ensign in the Salvation Army, was sent to France to work with the American First Division. Putting her Hoosier ingenuity to work, she and a fellow officer, Ensign Margaret Sheldon, patted the first dough into shape by hand, but soon employed an ordinary wine bottle as a rolling pin. Since they had no doughnut cutter, the lassies used a knife to cut the dough into strips and then twisted them into crullers. Ensign Helen Purviance of Huntington, Indiana and Crew Inventors of the Doughnut as We Love It. Ensign Purviance coaxed the wood fire in the potbellied stove to keep it at an even heat for frying. Because it was back breaking to lean over the low fire, she spent most of the time kneeling in front of the stove. I was literally on my knees, she recalled, when those first doughnuts were fried, seven at a time, in a small frypan. There was also a prayer in my heart that somehow this home touch would do more for those who ate the doughnuts than satisfy a physical hunger,The Salvation Army in Action. Soon the tempting aroma of frying doughnuts drew a lengthy line of soldiers to the hut. Standing in mud and rain, they patiently waited their turn. Although the girls worked late into the night, they could serve only 1. The next day, that number was doubled. A while later, when fully equipped for the job, they fried from 2,5. The Salvation Army Character Building Programs' title='The Salvation Army Character Building Programs' />After several soldiers asked, Cant you make a doughnut with a hole in it, Ensign Purviance had an elderly French blacksmith improvise a doughnut cutter by fastening the top of a condensed milk can and camphor ice tube to a wooden block. Later, all sorts of other inventions were employed, such as the lid from a baking powder can or a lamp chimney to cut the doughnut, with the top of a coffee percolator to make the hole. Ensign Stella Young of Everett, Massachusetts. Shades Of Gray Zip on this page. The soldiers cheered the doughnuts and soon referred to Salvation Army lassies as doughnut girls, even when they baked apple pies or other treats. The simple doughnut became a symbol of all that the Salvation Army was doing to ease the hardships of the frontline fighting man the canteens in primitive dugouts and huts, the free refreshments, religious services, concerts, and a clothes mending service. Today Salvation Army Red Shield Clubs and USO units offer members of the Armed Forces a variety of services, ranging from attractive recreational facilities to family counseling but the famous doughnut remains a perennial favorite. Nor is it confined to those in uniform. During every sort of peacetime emergency fires, floods, earthquake, transit strikes, blackouts The Salvation Armys mobile canteens have provided thousands of civilians with the doughnuts that stand for the Salvationists loving concern and readiness to help in time of need. Sources Susan Mitchem Director of the Archives at Salvation Army Headquarters provided this article. Susan, Lettie Gavin, and Herb Stickel provided the photos. MHThe following is an article from the St Petersburg Florida Evening Independent newspaper published on May 7, 1. Staff Writer Marian Nott interviewed Retired Lt. Col. Helen Purviance. Her Story Full Of Holes The Stove was small and round and only 1. I had to get on my knees to get to do it, she says. But we made 1. 50 doughnuts. And you should have seen their faces, say Helen Purviance. The first soldier in line said, Oh, boyIf this is war, let it continue. This is Lt. Col. Purviance talking, a retired Salvation Army officer, a Salvation Army Lassie and the first doughnut girl of World War I. Later, we were able to turn out 8,0. But in the beginning we were working with crude equipment, she recalls. The first doughnuts didnt really look like doughnuts because there was no doughnut cutter, she says. We just twisted the dough. When these first doughnuts proved to be so popular, 2. Salvation Army ensign Helen Purviance took an empty evaporated milk can and an empty tube of shaving cream to the village blacksmith. Clevo Fan Control Software more. He couldnt speak any English and I couldnt speak any French. But some how I managed to get him to understand that I wanted these two things nailed together on a small block of wood. This served as our doughnut cutter for more than a month until a real one was sent over from the United States, she says. More than 5. 0 years have passed since then. But those days are as real to retired Lt. Col Purviance as if they were yesterday. Although today Helen Purviance is confined to a wheelchair and wears civilian clothes, she well remembers the day she and her assistant Margaret Sheldon were taking a Sunday afternoon stroll near the Salvation Army hut behind the front lines. We had been making fudge for the soldiers and we were trying to think of something else to make with some supplies wed gotten from the commissary of the ammunition train. And the more we talked, it just spelled doughnuts. Margaret said, But what about eggs I said I would go see the villagers about eggs. We got the eggs. When we made the first doughnuts, we partitioned off the hut with a blanket so the soldiers wouldnt know what we were making until it was ready, she says. The first doughboy to get a doughnut was Pvt. Braxton Zuber of Auburn, Ala, who later worked with the doughnut girls as fulltime aide. This came about because it was discovered Zuber had lied about his age when he enlisted. He was only 1. When he was sick and had to go the hospital, he confessed his real age. The military was going to send him home. We had a detail assigned to help us get water and things such as that. So when the Army said it was going to send Zuber home, I said to them, You are now assigning me an able bodied man who could be used for other duties. Why dont you let me have Zuber. Until he confessed, you would have never known he was under age. You could give me him instead of sending me a different man each day. We got Zuber. And I kept up with him and his family through the years. He is dead now, says Lt. Col. Purviance. When she went overseas, she was attached to the ammunition train of the U. S. Army First Division. There were four companies in my outfit, A, B, C, D. The major would assign them in turn to take responsibility for taking our tent down, packing our supplies and loading them on top of a truck. We would climb up on top of our pile of supplies when we moved. We always moved at night because of the ammunition train. General Pershing wasnt keen about women going close to the front lines. He said he didnt want to take the responsibility for us. We told him he wasnt. We were taking the responsibility to do this. It seemed to us that the greater their the soldiers danger, the greater was their need. They armed us immediately with a gas mask, helmet and a. They instructed us to take target practice for our own protection, Says the colonel. The Salvationist says she cant say she was ever afraid. We just knew anything could happen, though. There was machine gun fire and they dropped some bombs from planes. One of them fell in our back yard. The Salvation Army Fort Wayne.