The Land Of The Lawn Weenies

Reef Blower Encyclopedia Sponge. Bobia. If you were looking for the article about the machine, then see Reef blower machine. Episode Information editRunning time 2 minutes, 5. Reef Blower is a Sponge. Bob Square. Pants episode from season one. In this episode, Sponge. In The Land Of The Lawn Weenies Book' title='In The Land Of The Lawn Weenies Book' />Bob attempts to move a shell off of his lawn. Characters. Synopsis. One sunny day, Squidward walks outside and looks upon his immaculate front lawn, free of debris, except for one tiny shell. Finding its presence unsightly, he nonchalantly kicks it onto Sponge. Bobs lawn. The latter pops out of his window and sees the shell. Also keen to keep the appearance of his lawn pristine, he gets his reef blower out of his garage and turns it on. The noise annoys Squidward, who plugs his ears as Sponge. Bob struggles to blow the shell away. In The Land Of The Lawn Weenies SummaryThe Land Of The Lawn WeeniesAfter a few failed attempts, Sponge. Bob applies more force and accidentally blows a large pile of sand onto Squidward and his lunch. To fix this problem, he blows the sand off first Squidward, then his plate of kelp, but gets some sand in the latters eyes. After clearing Squidwards face, Sponge. Bob peers over at his sidewalk and the pile of sand now atop it. YouMore determined to clean his yard than ever, Sponge. Bob sucks the pile of sand into the reef blower. The yard is cleared, but the blower malfunctions and spits out the sand along with a few mechanical parts. Undeterred, Sponge. Bob unzips the reef blower and puts the debris in himself. Upon trying to restart the machine, however, it fails to operate. Sponge. Bob takes the starter rope and pulls it as far as it can possibly go. Once stretched to its limit, Sponge. Conjure Oils Limited Editions. Seasonal scents changed at whim. Honey, I Shrunk the Kids is a 1989 American comic science fiction film. The directorial debut of Joe Johnston and produced by Walt Disney Pictures, it tells the story. Bob lets it yank him back and the motor restarts. The resulting suction proves so great that it vacuums up all the water in the ocean, leaving Squidward suffocating. The engorged reef blower soon bursts, releasing the water and a large amount of sand. His yard miraculously clean, Sponge. Bob heads back inside, leaving Squidward to his fate his The shell lands on Squidwards noseyard covered in sand piles, buried under one himself, and the tiny shell falling gently onto his nose. Production. Art. Development. The episode was originally going to have dialogue, but the recording equipment broke and the episode was wholly rewritten to be silent. Music   Associated production music   Original music   Sponge. Bob music  Heat  The Blue Hawaiians First half. War Blowers  The Blue Hawaiians Second half. Release. Reception. As of July 2. The Internet Movie Database IMDB gives this episode a rating of 8. TV. com users give this episode a 8. Reef Blower was ranked 2. Best Day Ever event on November 91. Trivia. Running Gag Sponge. Bob blowing something into Squidwards yard. This episode is before Squidville because it shows reef blowers for the first time. This is the shortest episode to date, with a length of two minutes and fifty one seconds. This is the first episode where the title card doesnt have music. The second was in SB 1. This is the first episode of the series to show Sponge. Bob and Squidward being neighbors even though their houses were shown together in Help Wanted, it was never stated in that episode that they lived next to each other. Read In The Land Of The Lawn Weenies' title='Read In The Land Of The Lawn Weenies' />This episode was originally going to feature dialogue, but due to problems with the studios recording equipment, the episode was rewritten to lack dialogue. Every time a reef blower appears, its own music can be heard. Squidward is purple above water in this episode. This is the first episode without Patrick Star, Gary the Snail, or Eugene H. Krabs. This is the first episode where no female characters appear. This is the first time a reef blower is used. The second and third times are Squidville and The Sponge. Casted Memories. Bob Movie Sponge Out of Water. It is also used in the Revenge of the Flying Dutchman video game. This is the first of a few times that Sponge. Bob has been shown to have a garage. This is the only episode in season 1 not to have any bubble transitions. This is the only episode where no music is heard as the title card is displayed. Instead, the sounds of the seashore are heard. To date, this episode marks Sponge. Bobs only non speaking appearance, not counting a silently mouthed You. As such, this is the only episode to date where Tom Kenny doesnt play a voice role. This is the only episode that does not feature any dialogue. However, Sponge. Bob says You, with a subtitle appearing at the bottom of the screen, but no audio is heard. In translations of this episode, Sponge. Bob can be heard saying it, but with a completely different voice than his normal translated voice. The subtitle also still appears. This is one of few episodes that doesnt feature a Created by credits card after the title card. According to The Complete 1st Season Disc 1 and The First 1. Episodes Disc 1 descriptions of this episode, the reef blower in this episode is new. This is the first episode that Tom Yasumi worked on. Cultural references. Errors. When Squidward is in his yard eating, the flower in the pot from the beginning disappears. Squidward looks like he is eating some kind of green paste, but after Sponge. Bob blows the sand off of him it appears to just be a leaf. Briefly, when Sponge. Bob is placing the sand in the reef blower, his hands are larger than normal. When Sponge. Bob runs past the houses to get his reef blower started, Squidward is gone. Squidward is shown sitting on a doorstep before Sponge. Bob drains the ocean, but Squidwards house never had one before that moment. When the sand is piled in Sponge. Bobs walkway, the window on the first floor of his house is gone again. When Sponge. Bobs reef blower explodes, sand is shown in his yard. In the next scene, his house is sparkling clean. Weasel Zippers Scouring the bowels of the internet. She was just doing her job as a public servant. Former Jacksonville area Congresswoman Corrine Brown took the stand Thursday afternoon, pleading for mercy from federal judge Timothy Corrigan. I am sorry you have to be here today to see me in this situation, Brown said in her statement to the court. I never imagined I would one day be in court asking people to speak on my behalf never. In hindsight, I wished I had been more diligent in overseeing my personal and professional life The idea that some people could believe these charges hurt me because it runs contrary to everything Ive ever believed and done in my life. I hope and pray these proceedings to dont make them ordinary people lose faith in the system. I humbly ask for mercy and compassion. Brown was convicted on 1. May. The lead prosecutor in the sentencing hearing argued Thursday that the former congresswoman should be sentenced to about 7. Her defense attorney is seeking probation and community service. Prsecutor Tysen Duva told the court based on her actions during the investigation and in the trial, she should receive the most prison time out of the three co conspirators. Brown wore a magenta suit to the courthouse Thursday and briefly appeared in the overflow courtroom prior to the sentencing hearing. Browns defense attorney James Smith objected to various aspects of the sentencing recommendations, including how much money Brown should be culpable for. Prosecutor Duva asked the court, What accountability does the law require during his presentation. Duva said Brown was accustomed to receiving money she should not have received. She also lied about donations to colleges, churches and other entities. He also argued that Brown has made ludicrous comments during the investigation, including a comment where she essentially said that had investigators not been looking into her case, the Pulse shooting in Orlando would never have happened. She also referred to the charges as bogus and racist, implying that she was targeted for her race in the case. Duva objected to that notion by saying, She was targeted because she committed fraud, not because she was black or white. She attacked numerous agencies during the investigation, which Duva states shows her character as a person. Why do you support someone who says this nonsense Duva questioned the court Thursday, referring to the upcoming character witnesses set to speak. Duva claims Brown failed miserably at being transparent during her time in office as a congresswoman. This is systemic and this is who she became, said Duva, arguing the character witnesses cannot overshadow the conduct she performed in the criminal case. Its not something that should be present in American democracy, he said. Duva said the judge has to make a difficult decision in this case.